And The Broken released new download single “Puttin’ Out Fires (HURT)”

The Swedish Indie band And the Broken (Tobias, Conny and Måns of Emerald Park plus Linus Lindvall and Johan Hellsten) just released their next single in a series of outputs heading towards the first full-length album. The final chapter, if you will, in the first era of AND THE BROKEN. More guitars, heavier, harder, angrier and more frustration.

“Puttin’ Out Fires” is the sixth and final release in the “Panther”-series. The final chapter, if you will, in the first era of And The Broken. The previous releases have flirted with both Byrdsian power-pop and 80’s post-punk. “Puttin’ Out Fires” moves towards late 90’s Blur via Scary Monsters-era Bowie; someone thought that frontman Tobias sounded like the singer of Xiu Xiu. The riffing from guitarists Johan and Linus draw on equal proportions of Robert Fripp and Keith Richards. Unrestricted noise making-galore. Loads of energy, frustration and, as always sugar coated melodies and angelic vocal arrangements.

Måns Katsler: drums; harmony vocals
Conny Fridh: electric bass guitar; harmony vocals
Linus Lindvall: electric 6-string and baritone guitar; harmony vocals
Johan Hellsten: electric 6 and 12-string guitar
Tobias Borelius: lead vocals

