What’s the meaning behind your band name?
Mike: It means One Sound in Latin.
Where are you from and what are the musical vibes like there?
Craig: We are both from Connecticut originally. Musically there is not a huge scene around here. New Haven and New London have some things going on but the Hartford area has been dismal to say the least for the last two decades or so. In 2019 I made it a point to venture up to western Massachusetts. The music scene is way more vibrant up there and is filled with diverse musicians of all sorts of genres.
What themes/stories run through your latest album?
Craig: A lot of the album touches on the human connection but also love and loss be it family friends or loved ones. I feel like my approach is similar to many other vocalists where the initial improvised melody comes first then I form the lyrics around that gibberish melody, trying to match the phrasing accordingly. In the end there is certainly meaningful results but much of what is heard is up to the listener to interpret what it means in their own human experience.
What was the last good book you read and how did it affect you?
Mike: Tao Te Ching. Taught me how to live with just enough effort without trying too hard.
Craig: The Art Of Not Giving A Fuck. The title says it all. Really it’s a wonderfully written self help guide about not sweating the things that we typically do everyday.

Which public figures do you most despise?
Craig : Politicians, News pundits, anyone not contributing to good for all mankind. Despise is a harsh word though. I just think those people have always been misguided.
Favorite cities to visit or perform in?
Craig: I’ve always had some great experiences in New York, Boston and Philadelphia. You can typically rely on a relatively built in audience in the major cities,
What artists do you think are overrated/underrated and why?
Craig: While I understand the accessibility and catchiness of mainstream pop music I would say the vast majority of anyone on the Billboard top 10 is super overrated.
Name a song that can make you cry?
Craig: “Vaka” by Sigur Ros or “Song To The Siren” by Tim Buckley
Mike: The Wind by Cat Stevens
What do you feel is the most emotional track you’ve ever written?
Mike: “Seasons”
Craig: Emotional is typically what I aim for when it comes to songwriting. I have a few other projects that definitely tug at the heartstrings.
Three records guaranteed to evoke emotion for you?
Craig: :Sigur Ros – (), Queensryche – Rage For Order, Voivod – Angel Rat
Where do you go to chill out?
Craig: Anywhere there is water
written by W.Z.

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